
Home » Pets » Tommy

About Me

Meet Tommy! His birthday is estimated to be 3-10-2019.  he is combo test negative and up to date on his vaccines.  This poor baby was 4 paw declawed.  Our shelter is this baby's 3rd home (that we know of!) His presumed 1st home consisted of neglect and abuse, in addition to the to the 4 paw declaw.  In his second home he was loved by his young human but the man of the house was not a fan of cats and Tommy sensed this and acted out in stress.  He inappropriately urinated on shoes and articles of clothing. We feel in the right home, with daily litter box scooping Tommy would turn into the gentleman he was meant to be.  Tommy loves kind and playful human interaction and may sleep with you.  Tommy is very active for a 6 year old boy so purposeful play and interaction with him is a must. He also likes to talk to his human.  We are not yet certain how he is with other cats or dogs.  Please consider giving this sweet boy his furever indoor only home!

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More information about this pet and others at BCHS is on our Facebook page. If you would like to support this pet, you can do so by either donating to help use buy food, supplies, and medicine, or you can adopt or foster this pet. Please use the buttons below and help us give this wonderful pet a new home!